Dr. Keith Ho has been working in the areas of air pollution control, environmental technology and nanotechnology since 2000s. He received his BSc and Ph.D degrees in chemistry from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 and 2005, respectively. Upon completing his PhD, Dr. Ho obtained a postdoctoral fellowship and continued his research in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2007, he was awarded the Postdoctoral Fellowship from The Ministry of Research & Innovation in Canada and worked at The University of Western Ontario. Since 2008, Dr. Ho was also a part-time Visiting Lecturer for the BSc program of Environmental and Occupational Safety & Health and MSc program of Environmental Management and Engineering in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
In 2009, Dr. Ho took up the Technical Manager position at Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited (NAMI), which is one of the Hong Kong R&D Centres focusing on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, under the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the Hong Kong Government. In 2012, Dr. Ho joined The Hong Kong Institute of Education as Assistant Professor in the Department of Science and Environmental Studies. Dr. Ho was appointed as Visiting Professor from Chongqing Technology and Business University and Institute of Earth Environment (Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 2013 and 2014, respectively. In 2014, Dr. Ho won the Research Grants Council Early Career Award (傑出青年學者獎)2013/14 from University Grants Committee of HKSAR. In 2015, Dr. Ho won the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Early Career Research Excellence Award) from the Hong Kong Institute of Education
Dr. Ho is now in charge of several projects on environmental purification as PI. He has also been in charge of several ITF projects as PI and PC at NAMI. Over the four years, he has obtained more than 7.6 million Hong Kong dollars of RGC and ITF projects as the Principal Investigator. He also participated in different research projects such as RGC, ITF and NFSC in the role of co-investigators and consultancy projects in the past ten years.
Dr. Ho’s research achievements have been published 70 peer-reviewed leading international journals which are totally cited 5413 times without self-citations, with average citations 400 times per year, average citations 94 times per item by others since 2001, and his h-index = 31. (from Thomson Reuters & up to Jan, 2015, SCOPUS ID: 34972988300). Several of his publications are in the Top 1% of the number of citations in its field, most cited author in that journal and the top 50 articles contributing to the Impact Factor of that journal. |